MetLife Policy Language for Tree Removal & Refrigerated Products Coverage
MetLife Homeowners Insurance Policy Language for Tree Removal and Refrigerated Products
B. We will also pay up to $500 for any one loss for the reasonable expenses you incur for the removal from your
residence premises of:
1. your tree(s) felled by windstorm, hail or the weight office, snow or sleet, provided the tree:
a. rests on or against the dwelling or building structure or caused damage to property covered under
b. blocks a driveway on the residence premises which prevents a motor vehicle from entering or
leaving the residence premises; or
c. blocks a ramp or other fixture designed to assist a handicapped person to enter or leave the dwelling;
2. your neighbor’s tree(s) felled by a loss caused by SECTION I – BROAD NAMED PERILS provided the tree:
a. caused damage to property covered under COVERAGE A – DWELLING or COVERAGE B –
b. blocks a driveway on the residence premises which prevents a motor vehicle from entering or
leaving the residence premises; or
c. blocks a ramp or other fixture designed to assist a handicapped person to enter or leave the dwelling.
3. Reasonable Repairs. We will pay the reasonable expenses you incur for necessary immediate and temporary
repairs to protect covered property from further loss following a loss we cover. This coverage does not increase
the limit of liability applying to the property being repaired.
4. Fire Department Charges. We will pay up to $750 for your liability assumed by contract or agreement when a
fire department is called to save or protect the residence premises from uninsured peril. We do not cover fire
department service charges if the property is located within the limits of the city, municipality or protection district
furnishing the fire department response.
5. Emergency Removal of Property. We will pay for toss to covered property from any cause while being removed
from a premises because of danger from a toss we cover. This coverage also applies to the property for up to 30
days from the date of removal. We will also pay for reasonable expenses you incur for the removal and return of
the covered property. This coverage does not increase the limit of liability applying to the property being
6. Emergency Living Expense. We will pay up to $500 for the reasonable increase in living expenses you incur
due to a power interruption to the residence premises. The power interruption must take place away from the
residence premises. The cause for the power interruption must not be due to purposeful retraction of power by
the utility or power grid authority resulting in a planned electrical brownout or blackout. Coverage does not begin
until 46 hours after the power interruption begins.
Refrigerated Contents. We will pay up to $1000 for the contents of a freezer or refrigerated food storage unit on
the residence premises for loss due to a mechanical failure or power interruption. If mechanical failure or power
interruption is known to you, all reasonable means must be used to protect the property from further damage or
this coverage is void. The policy deductible does apply to this coverage. The cause for the power interruption
must not be due to purposeful retraction of power by the utility or power grid authority resulting in a planned
electrical brownout or blackout.
Credit Card, Electronic Fund Transfer Card, Forgery and Counterfeit Money. We will pay up to $1000 for
A. that you are legally required to pay because of the unauthorized use of any credit card or electronic fund
transfer card issued to or registered in your name; and
B. to you caused by forgery or alteration of any check or negotiable instrument; and
C. to you through acceptance in good faith of counterfeit United States or Canadian paper currency.
If Increased Coverage on Credit Card is shown in the Declarations, then the $1000 limit is increased to the
amount shown.
D”2 MPL 8110-000 Printed in U.S.A. 0902 (Page 4of 7