October 31, 2011
My husband and I have been clients of Pedersen Insurance for over 25 years and I can say with a straight face that we never even consider doing a ’15-minutes can save you 15%’-type comparison.
First, the premiums we have paid are very fair – we have never felt that the price in exchange for the value was excessive. To the contrary, on at least one occasion, when pressed by a telemarketer to provide a quote, our Pedersen homeowners’ insurance premium was lower than what the salesman was offering. As far as our homeowners’ insurance goes, our premiums have been fair and competitive, and I am confident that if the need arises, the Pedersens will be there for us. I remember when the home of very nice neighbors burned to the ground. Sue and Ed provided helpful support that enabled the family to continue functioning during the months that their replacement home was under construction.
We have had three children pass through their teenage years. Any parent in that position will agree that being able to cover them, as well as us, for auto insurance despite (thankfully minor) accidents and tickets has been a relief. As an example that is funny 10 years later, not 2 weeks after being licensed my then- 16-year-old daughter took a wide turn and wiped out 3 or 4 used cars sitting on a corner lot. Everything was settled with no effort on our part, and our insurance continued with no adverse financial impact to us.
Third, Pedersen Insurance has reliably proactively identified our insurance needs and met them. We are not insurance professionals, but we know the Pedersens are. That’s why when Ed discusses our construction costs, or recommends additional liability insurance, we trust his advice.
The Pedersens have a long history with their current main insurer. Ed is a well-respected industry professional who has won numerous awards that have totally made me jealous – including trips to Hawaii and Florida. Companies recognize how hard and efficiently their agency works. They are not salespeople; they are professionals who are very concerned that we have the right insurance coverage.
Finally, we have recommended the Pedersens to friends and everyone who has ever purchased insurance from them has thanked us for steering them there. Ed, Sue and Bernie provide an unmatched level of personal service and an incredible knowledge base. You can call them any time. They are always there for you. No ‘Press 1 to access the claim menu’ kind of relationship.